If you own a new 17-Note Kalimba in the key of C, don’t get this download – there is a 44 Beginner Songs Download and a 33 Intermediate Songs Download for the 17-Note Kalimba in C. See the 17-Note Kalimba in C resources page for more products.
Tablature for 66 Songs for the Hugh Tracey Treble Kalimba in standard G tuning: PDF and KTabS formats. MP3s are not included at this time. African, Classical, Folk, Peace, Patriotic, Christmas, African American Spirituals, Reggae, ETC!
This monster download of songs for the Treble kalimba will keep you busy for months or, more likely, years! Instead of one release for each type of music, we just threw it all together into one big download. To learn more about this download – like exactly what songs are in it – see the extra images associated with this product.