Save 50% on M17 Kalimbas, Any Tuning
Use the coupon code MMM50 to save 50% on the M17 Magadi Kalimba in any of its tunings. Code MMM50 is good through Dec 21 2023.Just to spell it out, in the standard tuning and unpainted tines, this kalimba lists for $30, so the 50% off coupon gets you this kalimba for $15 plus shipping. The video below gives you a demo of the standard C tuning, the C minor tuning, the Middle Eastern Tuning, and the Lotus tuning (Am/Dm, a wholestep above the standard Lotus tuning). See Our Tunings for the Magadi M17 Kalimba Why Do You Want a M17 Kalimba? The M17 is a large block-mounted kalimba with