Save 45% on Non-Traditional Karimbas – SaReGaMas, Celtic-D, I-Ching, and Afroharp
Use the coupon code New45 to save 45% on the family of Non-traditional Karimbas. The Non-traditional karimbas include the SaReGaMa Lotus, the SaReGaMa Air, and the SaReGaMa Freygish Karimbas; the I-Ching Kalimba; and the Alto Afroharp. Code New45 good through Nov 30 2023. Note that the code does not work on Hokema B17 or B15 in karimba tunings. But look below at the instruments it does apply to. Video Illustrating the Various Non-traditional Karimbas SaReGaMa Lotus Karimba SaReGaMa is a new age musical artist who went to town inventing innovative kalimba tunings, and the Lotus Tuning is the most famous! He has millions of views on YouTube with his