Is your old kalimba a wreck? Dirty? Buzzing tines? Out of tune? A dead note? The Kalimba Doctor can help.
We’ll take your kalimba apart, scrub the tines, put it all back together, glue any cracks you might have, fix any dead notes by installing a post, fix any buzzes you have, and tune it up. Then we’ll send it back to you, and the whole journey should take under two weeks.
True, your kalimba won’t exactly be new, but some of the old Hugh Tracey kalimbas sound better than new (just like Martin guitars) and the price of the Total Kalimba Tuneup is about a fifth the cost of a new kalimba.
Price: $25 plus return shipping. You ship it to us, on your dime, at:
Kalimba Magic
PO Box 12974
Tucson, AZ 85732